Soul Food - Raye Sapp host
This crew will make food/casseroles/bread to put in freezer that can be delivered to church/community members in need. First Thursday each month at 9:00 a.m. in the Church Kitchen.
Thank you, Jesus! – Charlotte Nance-Allbright host - 15 people max
Have you ever spent intentional time practicing gratitude? Have you considered how your life and those you encounter can be changed through giving (not just financial, but time, a smile, a word) and gratitude? Spend intentional time with a community that will hold each other in prayer and accountability as we practice gratitude. Discover the gift God wants you to share. The resources to guide us include the Bible and “29 Gifts: How a Month of Giving can Change Your Life” by Cami Walker. Tuesdays, Oct 29-Nov 26 from 5:45-6:45 pm. First and last gatherings in-person with in-between gatherings hybrid/zoom option.
Prayer Shawl Ministry - Pat Scheible, host
Are you a knitter, crocheter, or a wanna-be? Patient instruction, yarns, patterns, and tools are cheerfully provided! We meet from 10-12 on Thursdays in the church parlor, and/or 10-12 on Saturdays at the Village at Brookwood.